What are our options for data archiving?

Data is retained and available online in your account for a rolling 12 month window.

For example, in April of a given year you will be able to see the last 12 months of data (i.e from May of the previous year.)

Snapshotting and Archiving Data

Some schools have a need for data retention and archiving for compliance purposes.

Saasyan offers an Assure Archiving service to help with this.

Saasyan Assure Archiving Service - How It Works

  • Schools select the School Years they would like to archive (e.g. 2023 school year data).
  • For the selected School Years, Saasyan will keep these for 12 months in the current year (1 January to 31 December).
  • At the end of each calendar year, schools will determine which previous School Years they would like to keep in archive for the next 12 months.
  • During each 12 months of archiving service, the school has 1 restore included in the service. Additional restores can be requested for a fee.
  • The archives will be restored into an Assure recovery tenancy that is separate from your existing Assure account. 
    The recovery tenancy will be available on a different URL for each school year archive that you request. This way, there is nothing new for you to learn and also the active account is kept separate from the archives. 
  • Restores will be made available two business days after the request for restore has been submitted. 
    Once the restores are available, you will have access to full search, filtering and reporting functions for two weeks. After those two weeks, another restore needs to be purchased to access the archived data – each restore is active for two weeks at a time. 

If you would like to request a quote for the Assure Archiving service, please click here.

If you have any further questions for our team, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@saasyan.com